ICT competition:
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What Is ICT

ICT is the technology required for information processing, in particular the use of electronic computers, communication and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and anywhere.


Information is refer to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study, or research.
Technology obtained:
-Aiding communication
-Spreading information
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ICT and Society

Computer generation

First generation (1946-1958)

-Huge, slow, expensive, and often undependable
-1946, Presper Eckert and John Mauchly used vacuum tubes instead of the mechanical switches of the Mark I.
-The ENAIC used a thousand of vacuum tubes.
-ENAIC gave off so much heat that they had to be cooled by gigantic air conditions.

Second Generations (1957-196)

-Made by John Bardeen, William Shockly and Walter Brattain.
-Transistor used to relay and switch electronic signals.
-Transistor was faster, more reliable, smaller and much cheaper than vacuum tube.( 1 transistor = 40 vacuum tube)
-Its also conduct electricity faster and better , gave off virtually no heat.

Third Generation (1965-19700

-Discover by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Corparation and Jack Kibly of Taxes Instrument.
-Replacing such large number of transistor on a single chip.
-It also carries out instructions in billions of a second and more advance.
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Forth Generation (1971- now)

-Putting millions of transistor onto one single chip ,more calculation, and faster speeds could be reached by computer, because electricity travel about billionth of second.
-It significant impact on our lives is the inventation of the microprocessor.
The microprocessor was made to be used in calculation, not computer.

Fifth Generation (present and beyond)

-The fifth generation of computer are technologically advance and are still development to become more efficient.
-Fifth generation have grown rapidly including many other modern computer devices such as:
*Silicon chip
*Virtual reality
*Intelligent system
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Overview Computer system

Is defined as combination of compound design to process data and store file.
Its also consist of four major hardware component:
-Input devices
-Output devices
-Storage divices

A computer system consist:

Computer hardware
Input devices -: tools to put any data into memory
Processor -: process data
Output devices -: made of soft or hard copies
Storage devices -: to store files
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Component of Motherboard

Central Processing Centre

Interprate and Carries out the basic instruction that operate the computer
Expansion card
Is an expansion plugged into expansion slot

RAM slot

The slot where computer memory , also called RAM.
Ports and Connector
There is two type of port:
1. Local port:
-Serial Port
-Parallel port
-USB port
-FireWire port

2. Sepicial port
-MIDI port
-SCSI port
-IrDA port
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Diffrent between SYSTEM Software and APPLICATION software

SYSTEM Software

-Enable the computer function properly
-Compulsory – each computer must have a system software to function.
-Each computer needs only one system software
-Independent- system software can function without an application software.
-Provide the environment in which the application run.


-Enables user to work efficiently with documentation ,such as letter, accounting reports ,and presentation.
-Optional – depends on usage and needs without an application software, the computer still able to function.
-Each computer can have more than one application software.
-Dependent- application software cannot work without system software.
-Provide the environment to enable user to accomplish specific function.
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Operation System OS-An operation system is a set of program s that

coordinate all the activities among the computer hardware devices.
-In most cases, the OS is installed and resides on the computer hard disk.
-However, an handheld computer and many mobile devices such as PDA’s and Smart Phones, the OS mary resides on a ROM Chip.
-The OS that a computer uses sometimes is called the platform.

Utility Program

A utility program which is also called a utility is a type of system software that allows a user to perform maintenence type task usually related to managing a computer, its devices or its program.
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Computer Network

Communication is about the transfer of information from a sender, across a distance to a receiver. It using electricity, radio wave or light, information and data in the form of code are transmitted physical such as wire cable. Its transmitted can be in text, voice, sound, video, graphic and image or a combination of all this, which we call multimedia. The transmit information or data using 2 type of signal namely analog and digital. Example, teleohone use analog an computer use digital.


Modem is a short for modulator or demolator , that convert digital signal into analog signal and back again into digital signal for information across telephone line.

Connection of Networking
Connection of Networking is a set of rule, it called protocols, like TCP/IP

3 Type of Network
LAN – local area net work
MAN – metropolitan area network
WAN – wide area network

WIRELESS Networking is use WiFi.
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DATABASE (function in Microsoft access)

Component of Information System

-Data, hardware, software, people and procedure.

Hardware : monitor, Printer, Speaker.
Software: Mac – OS
People: System personal – database administrator
- System analyst
- System designer

Bit - binary digit
-the smallest unit of data
Byte - collection of bit
-each byte consist 8 bit
Field - unit of data consist one or more byte
-the smallest unit of meaningful in database
Record - collection of realeted field
File – collection of related records
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It mean, a series of ordered group in a system starting with the smallest unit.
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